Saturday, 24 December 2011

My pastry is chillin

Made some pastry for mince pies and canapés. The pastry for the mince pies is made with ground almonds first time I have made it with ground almonds recipe and the canapés /baby quiche just plain short crust recipe.
It rained in the night so today there is no need to water  and the forecast is for a rainy day tomorrow so it might be cold enough for the fire cross fingers.

picked some black olives yesterday, first water change.

The salad and lemon from the garden and the pastry is easy to use and tasty. The tablecloth I made a long time ago. 
in the garden
  • planted some more beetroot (note to myself don't leave seed packets outside in rain)
  • planted on some more stock plants so far 103.
Just read "A childs Christmas in Wales" by Dylan Thomas to Aled thank you Mum and Dad he loves it.
At the moment it is 10.58 pm and it is raining cats and dogs.
Merry Christmas


  1. Cathy those homemade quiches and fruit mince pies look delicious, I must bake some more next year at Christmas. Enjoy relaxing tomorrow. Have a very Merry Christmas I hope you have a wonderful day.

  2. I just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, we have snow so will be having a white Christmas,

    Gill in Canada

  3. Hi Cathy! Merry Christmas! Wonderful pastries and pictures!!

  4. Your table cloth is beautiful...wonderful edibles and new things growing in the garden...wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

  5. Merry Christmas to you all. Those mince pies look great.

  6. I love this post Cathy. Your baking looks wonderful and those flowers are all so pretty with a bit of rain on them. Wishing you and your family a happy Festive Season. cheers Wendy


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