Monday 7 October 2013

With a little help from my friends

The frame for the wood shed is nearly finished

With a bit of help from Aled
We got a lot done

In the Kitchen
Pecans from my FIL's tree

Avocados from a friends tree 

 Peanuts from the fields 
 Olives from a tree in the garden

pomegranates from the kibbutz orchard. I don't have a vegetable garden anymore as it costs too much money to water .


  1. You have been very busy, as we live on acreage our wood is just a pile out from the house. We buy in bulk but that then has to be split.
    Once split we just use a wheel barrow and always have a barrow full sitting just outside our door. A wood shed would be nice as it would stay dry.

  2. Great to be able to get all that fresh produce from friends and family.

  3. Great choice of the paint color!


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